Blogs > Lighten Up with Lucretia

Lucretia Bohnsack, a Mentor resident, said she's committed to making a change in her life as part of Lighten Up. "I know I can take control and make a difference in my life."

Sunday, March 23, 2014

 I have been spending lots of time thinking about my weight loss goals and attitudes.  I really want to meet my goal and make this a life time changes of eating better and keeping the weight off.    What are the changes I need to make?  First, I am trying to eat what I enjoy.  I will not allow myself to feel deprived.  Second, I am asking myself questions about desire vs need.  Do I need that chocolate or do I desire it?  If I choose (key word) to eat it I will enjoy it with out guilt. I can eat a piece and then leave the rest for another time.  Third, meals will taste good. It takes no more time to cook good meals than quick boring ones.

I can and will lose weight and be healthy


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